Thursday, June 21, 2012

Happy Summer Everyone!

We would like to invite you to use this house as your beach getaway this summer! There are pages on the right that let you know what to bring/what you don't need to bring.
We even have wireless internet in cases you want to have a "work day" at the beach (wink, wink)

You DON'T need to ask to use the beach, deck etc.

Just email me to say what days you want to come so that I can put it on the calendar below. If you see someone on the calendar that you want to hang with then come up too!

We already have Kyle coming for 3 days and as you know, Gram, Gramp and Gerry will be here in August. We can squeeze three extra cars in so there should be enough parking, if not there is a parking lot up the street.

Salisbury beach has fireworks every Saturday night. You can see them from the house so plan to see them. There are Party Boats that have cruises up the Merrimack, or out on the ocean.

There is a tide schedule below so that you can see the best time to kayak or fish. Otherwise there's always water and sand around here!

There is a live feed of the back yard below, and many pictures of Plum Island so take a look around. We really hope that you can come up. Check the schedule now and then and see who's coming!


Pat and Laura

Friday, November 4, 2011

Plum Island Webcam is Up!

I finally figured out to embed the Plum Island Webcam. It's hard to believe that there was no other webcam on Plum Island until now.

The Plum Island Basin webcam is at the rightof the blog. Click on the link, then choose the "single" tab. You can use the presets to control the camera, it's real time.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Our first year on Plum Island

I wanted to start this blog when we moved in September 1, but tonight is Halloween and it's my first post. We have absolutely loved our first two months on the basin. We've met many new people, and even more new dogs! Please enjoy the pictures at the bottom.

So Paul, Debbie, Jacqqui and Liz, Kelley and Obie, Zeus, Rainy, Tupelo and Lisa, Mary and Daisy, Sue and Kevin, Brian, and Patrick, Leo, Carl and of course Mugsy and Dorothy, thanks for making us feel welcome. 

Oh and the Trick or Treater's were plentiful, very polite and the costumes were excellent.

Funny story, I went into Mr. Moe's the other night. I pulled out my wallet, and the clerk said "well I can tell you're now a Plum Islander." I asked how he knew and he pointed out that a "poop bag" (empty) had fallen out of my pocket when I took the wallet out. Very true! I never leave home without them.

Does it ever get windy out here? 

Plum Island Tide Chart

Test Tidespy TideGraph frame